Important Landlord News! Changes to EPC Certificate Laws

As a Landlord it is vital to stay on top of your responsibilities and to ensure you are not liable for any new legislation missed. So let us help with this very important change…

As recently as 2018 the EPC requirements for landlords changed when a minimum energy rating of ‘E’ or above for new tenancies was introduced. These rules have now changed and now apply to all tenancies, not just new ones.

What are EPC Requirements?

Since October 2008, rental properties in England and Wales have required an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). An EPC certificate is a four-page document which sets out the energy efficiency of a property with a stepped rating of A to G – A being the most efficient. It provides an indication of how much it will cost to heat and power a property.

What are the new EPC regulations for landlords?

As of right now, the ‘Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards’ apply to all existing tenancies – not just new ones or renewals. So if your property currently doesn’t have a valid EPC rating of ‘E’ or above then it cannot be legally let.

However, the government have now proposed that all rental properties will need an EPC rating of ‘C’ or above by 2025. And similarly to the last legislation discussed, this will initially apply to new tenancies before being required by all tenancies by 2028.

NOTE: The penalty for not having a valid EPC is currently £5,000, but this will be raised to £30,000 from 2025. So it is important to start planning any works required to ensure your properties are efficient!

Ideas to make your property more efficient

The best idea is to make the simple covering improvements first; floor and loft insulation, wall covering etc. However, some other things to consider include:

  • Cavity wall insulation

  • Replacing old inefficient boilers

  • Replacing old windows (double glazing)

  • Energy efficient lighting (ensuring the use of LED bulbs)

Landlords are also encouraged to take advantage of the ‘Green Homes Grant Scheme For  Landlords And Homeowners’. Find out how to apply here:

If you would like to know more about lettings in the Aylesbury area, call us on 01296 767555 and we’d be happy to chat and advise.

Francis Buchanan