Lockdown Life with our Director, Francis

As our phased returned to life closer to what we knew previous to the pandemic begins, we are looking back over a year that has changed us all.

It has undoubtedly been the biggest challenge in many of our lives; socially, emotionally and in business or our careers… However, through the hard times there have been many shoots of happiness, with new hobbies and habits, and a new found respect for what we had before.

Over the coming months, we will be showing you behind the scenes at 360 Properties and introducing ourselves more intimately so you can find out what lockdown has been like for us! We hope you find it interesting and possibly comforting, as you see yourself in some of the things we’ve been up to!

Today we start with one of our owners, Francis:

Q. What have you found most challenging during lockdown?

Ans: Home schooling. There is no dispute about that; this was most challenging! What I found challenging was that the girls are taught completely differently from when I was at school. Even down to basic subtraction. I found myself asking my 13 year old to show me how they were taught how to do subtraction while my 9 year old argues with me. I still don’t understand there method -they don’t understand my way either.

What hobbies have you picked up during lockdown?

Ans: I have improved my curry making skills significantly! I’ve moved from Indian curries to getting my homemade Thai curries down to perfection. My youngest daughter said last week, “that was amazing”; high praise from a tough critic!

What would your advice for working from home be?

Ans: Be as organised as you can, which is easier said than done.  Have a set time for working, as well as time blocking ‘you-time’ in the daily calendar. Time blocking lunch time and breaks in the daily calendar has also been very important.

If possible, close the door on the office at the end the working day. If you can’t close the office door, be disciplined to close down the computer and not start it again.

What are you most looking forward to when the world opens up?

Ans: Along with everyone else, I am looking forward to seeing family and friends again. Also traveling back to Scotland to see family,  so the girls can see their grandparents. Having BBQ’s in the back garden with friends and going for day outs to the coast or theme parks with the girls.

One thing I think we are all in need of is a holiday! Time away to relax and switch off.

What is your current view on the property market and where do you see it going this summer?

Ans: The current view of the market is that it is very buoyant. We are selling houses before they are even marketed. This will continue as long as their is hope there is a saving to be made with the Stamp Duty holiday, and even after June when there is still savings to be made.

But with the furlough scheme coming to an end, it also brings the unfortunate possibility of redundancies. We already have some sellers downsizing, as they are unsure what the future holds.

One thing the last year has highlighted to everyone is house buyers want a garden. House buyers will compromise on the size of the property as long as they have a garden to enjoy outside space.

Personally I can’t see this approach changing, especially with the reintroduction of the 95% mortgages for first time buyers who have been saving a larger deposit over the last year.

So there you have it – a year in the life of one of our owners Francis!

How has your year been? Has it encouraged you to finally make the move you’ve always wanted or need?

We’re here to help, advise and appraise. So contact us today for your initial consultation.

Francis Buchanan